Links in “Research: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”
- Party Drugs: Ketamine-Like Drug “Lanicemine” may be used to treat depression
- Big Pharma Mobilizing Patients in Battle Over Drug Trials Data
Some drug companies gearing up to fight against transparency.
- Some Antidepressants May Raise Gastro Risk
Editor- Remeron and Prozac doubled the rate of infection of the potentially deadly Clostridiuum difficile infection. WebMD characterizes this as ‘may raise gastro risk’.
- Psychiatric Medications’ Effect on Brain Structure Varies
It is increasingly recognized that chronic psychotropic drug treatment may lead to structural remodeling of the brain. Indeed, clinical studies in humans present an intriguing picture: antipsychotics, used for the treatment of schizophrenia and psychosis, may contribute to cortical gray matter loss in patients, whereas lithium, used for the treatment of bipolar disorder and mania, may preserve gray matter in patients.
- Antidepressants Linked to Postpartum Hemorrhage
“A large study of pregnant women diagnosed with a mood or anxiety disorder and conducted by investigators at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston showed about a1.5-fold increased risk for postpartum hemorrhage associated with all classes of antidepressants and not just selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs).”
“Our study suggests that all classes of antidepressants are associated with an increased risk of abnormal bleeding,” the investigators write.”
- More Challenges to Drug ‘Research’
“EARLIER this month, Dr. Doshi opened what he hopes will be a new chapter in his quest for greater understanding of clinical trials. He and several other researchers published what amounted to an ultimatum to drug companies: publish your data, or we’ll do it for you. ”
- Gender Separation in Psychiatry
Female patients show better results when grouped with other females- they feel safer.
- Biochemical Mapping Helps Explain Who Will Respond to Antidepressants
Chemical changes are measured as people become less depressed yet the article shows no proof that antidepressants caused the changes. Where is the double blind study?
- Antidepressants in Bipolar Disorder: No Benefit, Possible Harm
“The reason clinicians persist in prescribing antidepressants in this patient population when the evidence suggests they confer no benefit is unclear. However, Dr. Warner speculated that it may be due to the fact that there are so few effective treatment options for this severely ill population.”
“After controlling for anxiety, they found that patients who were discharged while receiving venlafaxine were 3 times more likely to be readmitted compared with those who did not receive an antidepressant at discharge or those who received other antidepressants “
- Anti-Depressant Medication Linked With Increased Infection Risk
Researchers from the University of Michigan revealed that individuals who suffer from depression and those taking antidepressants such as mirtazapine and fluoxetine had a much higher chance of contracting Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) – a life threatening infection that can cause severe diarrhea and inflammation of the colon.