Archive for March, 2014
- Stopping Anti-Depressants: A Guide
Posted May 20, 2014 Finally some easilly accessible information to assist those for whom the medical establishment finds not enough financial incentive to help! This is also a great developing site. It does not cover all meds but is a great consise introduction to what is possible with the meds they do cover. Congratulations ot Dr. David healy.
- 70 Million Americans on Mind Altering Drugs
One man’s easy read, common sense summary of America’s drug problem. Comprehensive and thought provoking.
- Waking Up From Sadness: Many Find Trouble Getting Off of Antidepressants
- The Selling of ADHD – 20 Year Marketing Effort by Big Pharma
Gabor Mate and Alan Schwartz discuss the hype and the reality surrounding prescriptions of Adderal for ADHD. Well rounded discussion of all sides.
- Study Links Acetaminophen to ADHD in Children
A study of 60,000 European women indicates increase in ADHD children born of women who took acetaminophen.
- Were These Knife Attacks Caused by SSRI Antidepressants?
No studies however linking all these strange attacks to the equally strange mind altering SSRI’s- but a very strong need for a closer look.
- A Review of The Bitterest Pills by Joanna Moncrieff, MD