Links in “Easy Reading”
- Nutritional Psychiatry: Your Brain on Food
- Rethinking Psychiatry
After reading Anatomy of an Epidemic, a psychiatrist explores anew.
Posted Oct. 17, 2014
- A Psychiatrist Thinks Some People Are Better off without Psychiatric Drugs
Posted Dec. 9, 2013 Washington Post
- Don’t Smoke Pot- Take Vicodin Instead? Big pharma suits up for battle
- Just Me: A Series of Reflections on Trauma, Motherhood, and Psychiatry
A moving story about what 'passed' for mental health treatment.
- I Stalked my Psychiatrist
MSN.COM OCT 2014 A patient's story of her interaction with her psychiatrist - a story all too common.
- Robin Williams, R.I.P. by Ben Stein
American Spectator August 12, 2014 Actor Ben Stein reflects on Willliams, antidepressants and his own struggles.
- Big Pharma Plays Hide The Ball
The game now with Big Pharma is to hide the truth as more and more people want to see the actual research methods they usaed to help sell their drugs.
- Are psychiatric medications making us sicker?
- Want a love life? Restrict use of antidepressants. Aug. 10, 2014