Links in “Research: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”
- The Hidden Harm of Antidepressants
An in-depth analysis of clinical trials reveals widespread underreporting of negative side effects, including suicide attempts and aggressive behavior
- What Are the Long-Term Effects of Taking Antidepressants?
- Multi Therapy Study Shows Promise Treating Effects of Alzheimers
Therapy relies not on a single big pharma drug. Download PDF for full analysis. Sponsored by NIH and Alzheimer's groups.
Posted Consumer Oct. 2, 2014
- When children are asked, antidepressants are no more effective than placebo.
Psychiatrits give themselves 'A's. Patients - not so much.
- Many Antidepressants Studies Found Tainted by Pharma Company Influence
Scientific American, October 15, 2015 Roni Jacobson
- Beware the Drug Companies, How they Deceive Us: “Criticizing Big Pharma”
- If Big Pharma Isn’t Nervous – It Should Be
Cannabinoids - safer, cheaper, and more effective? Current research. 7/30/2014
- Benzodiazepine Use and Risk of Dementia: Prospective Population Based Study
- Combining Anti-Depressants with Pain Pills – Dangerous
Posted Mens Oct. 28. 2014 Based on a Netherland's study of 115,ooo
- Moms on antidepressants have babies with malformed brains